Sure, there’s lots of fun for adults at Spokatopia. But it’s a dream for kids and families who like to get outside together. All of these activities take place at Spokane’s Camp Sekani Park both Friday evening and Saturday June 14 & 15, with the exception of the Bugs & Snakes presentations happening only on Saturday.

Kids can bring their bikes to ride on the pump track or try one of the demo mountain bikes (youth sizes) at the Evergreen East tent. Kids can also try BMX bikes in the pump track sponsored by Spokane BMX; little riders can cruise around on the Strider bike course next to the beer garden. There will also be slacklining behind the music stage; yard games; and a 2-hour kids nature/adventure camp (Saturday) or kids bike camps (one Friday and one Saturday). ALL 2024 KIDS CAMPS ARE FULL/SOLD OUT!
Bugs N’ Snakes Live Animal Presentations
Show up early for two Bugs n’ Snakes presentations of live insects and reptiles on Saturday June 15. Presentations happen at the Camp Sekani Park festival field at 11 AM and again at 1 PM.
Get Your General Admission Tickets online here to participate in kids/family activities (only $5 until May 31) or online after that or at the ticket booth at the event for $10! Kids 12 and under are free with an adult.
Kids’ Bike & Nature/Adventure 2-Hour Camps
Our 2-hour kids camps (ages 5-10 years old) include outdoor adventure/nature exploration and beginner mountain bike/nature exploration themes. Camp leader Maya West is an experienced outdoors educator who has done years of training with Twin Eagles Wilderness School and has a passion for raising wild, nature-connected kids. All camps start from the Spokatopia festival grounds in the meadow above (north) of the parking area at Spokane’s Camp Sekani Park. Look for the Kids Camp tent. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for check in and bring a small backpack, water, and a snack for your child. ALL 2024 KIDS CAMPS ARE FULL/SOLD OUT.

Little Rippers Kids Bike Camps
These kids mountain bike camps (ages 5-10) are for beginners or kids with some mountain biking experience that are ready to improve skills in a fun environment. The camps include pump track riding; practice on mellow, mostly flat or rolling singletrack trails and two-track dirt roads; basic skills instruction; and frequent stops for nature exploration and games. Participants must have a basic level of two-wheeled riding proficiency, their own bike in working order (mountain bikes are best but any bike capable of being ridden on dirt trails and dirt roads should work), a bike helmet, and a water bottle/backpack with a snack. ALL 2024 KIDS CAMPS ARE FULL/SOLD OUT.
Little Rippers Bike Camp Schedule: Friday June 14, 6-8PM & Saturday, June 15, 1-3PM.

Kids Nature/Adventure Camp
Kids ages 5-10 years old get to explore and learn about the natural wonders of the Camp Sekani Park area, play fun games, and create nature-based crafts in this two-hour mini-camp right at the Spokatopia Festival grounds. ALL 2024 KIDS CAMPS ARE FULL/SOLD OUT.
Nature/Adventure Camp Schedule: Saturday, June 15, 10AM-12PM.